She Was A Ticking Time Bomb

Scars on her wrist, the hair in her eyes,
She looked different from you, she had a disguise,
Her skin was pale, her clothes were black,
She was different, you decided to attack.

Calling her names, beating her down,
If only you saw that little childs frown,
Stealing her stuff, spreading lies,
If only you saw the pain in her eyes.

Then one day directly after school,
You caught her off guard and beat her to look cool
She begged you to stop, down on her knees,
But you didnt listen to her crying pleas.

One day, you decide to look for her
The girl you hate the girl you wanna murder,
You found her but not as planned,
Her body was bloody and cold, a razor in hand.

The girl that always tried to be calm,
Secretly inside she was a ticking suicide bomb,
Through every punch you threw, and all the hits she took,
Was all because you chose not to look.

Looking back, you realise what you did wrong,
Making her weak, made you strong,
But now you pushed her a bit too dar,
You ended her life you gave her that scar.