One Single Night

One single night changed everything,
She was always smiling,
She was always laughing,
It seemed like she was the happiest girl in the world,
But only she knew it was all an act,
And that inside it was different,
Only she knew that at nights she couldn't stop crying,
Only she knew that she changed her tears for a smile,
And screaming doe laughing,
And she asked herself one simple question...
She didnt know what was happening to her,
She didnt know what to do,
But she couldnt stand the pain anymore,
So in the dark she got up and took the razor,
And carefully slid it down her skin,
It was painful but it couldnt compare to the pain she felt everyday,
While she walked acting like a happy girl,
She saw her blood flowing and her sould with it,
The tears came streaming down her face,
And she felt the pain going out,
She covered her skin with her clothes,
She knew it couldnt be told . . . she knew she was done,
Because nobody would understand,
The morning came she was ashamed,
She got ready for breakfast,
And her mum asked, "Did you have a good night?"
And she answered with a smile, "It was great"