
A fear of having no escape
A fear of being closed in
A fear of walls closing in around you
A fear of a tight, black space.

An anxiety disorder
Brought on by large, pressing crowds
Or intense situations in small spaces

Text book definitions
For my not-so-text-book fear

I am claustrophobic
I have a fear of being locked in
But mine is a fear of the mind

Afraid to be locked within my mind
Locked within myself
Forever a prisoner
Held within an inescapable cell

Trapped within the confines of my own mind
Held down by my fear of expressing myself
Of foreve hiding my true self
Of being captured by my own inhibitions
A prisoner for all eternity

I am claustrophobic
But I am also:
And monophobic
♠ ♠ ♠
This just a poem about one of my fears. Message me if you want to be added on as an author, so you can post about your own fears