Broken Proimses

Broken promises equals broken hearts
broken hearts equals tearless eyes.
Ishattered his heart
I tore his dreams to pieces
I destoryed him.
I did this unknowingly.

But he broke the promise.

He said goodbye.
He made me cry myself to sleep.
He left me alone.
He let go of my hand.
He walked away from me.
He broke our promise.

And I followed.

I broke what was left to finally make him happy.
to not hurt him.
to not be the cause for his pain.
to end his misery.

We broke the promise.
And now we're left with...


Nothing good.
We are left with:
Black holes for hearts,
Wounds and scars forever,
No tears.
Scattered breaths.
Burning eyes.
Aching bodies.

We are left with nothing.

Because we broke a promise and,
Broken promises equals broken hearts