Why did you have to make me fall?

You have no idea what you're doing to me. Playing with my every insecurity.

Tell me I'm pretty then make it a joke. Because you disapprove is the whole reason I refuse to toke.

It's so hard to change for someone who will never change their love interest to you. As hard as I try,I can't help but daydream of us two.

My mind knows that the two of us will never be. But if I didn't love a lost cause...I wouldn't be me.

My problems are just that-mine,meaning I don't have to share. They are locked within,would not divulge for a truth or a dare.

Try to break them free and you will be met with harsh words of defense. Believe me, I know this doesn't make much sense.

I am your willing victim,a masochist to the "T". My desires of what I know I can't have have no mercy.

They seep into my mind like passionate venom at some of the worst moments. Are you even aware of how much your smile torments?

Do you notice the way that I study you every moment that I can? As hard as I try, I can't seem to want any other man.

It's almost sick,the amount of time I spend thinking of you. What's even sicker is that I'm always wishing that you're thinking of me too.

If you asked why I do this, I couldn't give you a reason. It appears my heart has once again committed the ultimate treason.

I try not to count down the days until you walk away. Because I will have to bid my final farewell to my heart as well as you on that day.