Death Dress

Pain is all I feel,
My feelings no longer reel,
I used to have a heart,
Until you ripped it apart,
I keep coming back to the pain,
It’s like I love standing out in the rain,
It’s Pouring over me,
I’m drenched in my death dress to be,
Waiting to feel you,
Wanting to stand there cold and blue,
To see the life slip out of me,
For this the end to be,
I loved you too much,
This is the fate of Lucifer such,
For loving you too much I pay a price,
It is happiness and life that I sacrifice,
Drops fall down,
Hit the ground,
And jealous am I of their fate,
Of their simplicity I hate,
Numbness is my friend,
For my heart is yours till the end,
I just hope it comes soon,
Someone take a pin to my balloon,
Pain is the only thing I feel,
And it helps me keep it real,
It makes life life,
Helps me keep hold of my strife,
Reminds me of your loss,
And deep at night I turn and toss,
Dreaming of you,
And slowly my sanity strings undo,
And yet I want to feel loved again,
But I don’t want to leave the rain,
The pin falls,
Infinite night calls,
Bam! It’s gone,
Goodbye life, so long. . . .