Plague Of Bliss prt 1

The sound of murder may be the sweetest of all..
Along with the sound of bodies thrown to the wall..
Destruction of bones as limbs angle horribly..
Never so luscious as blood squirts morbidly..

The creatures that cause this are of human form..
But they are clearly not human ..strength feeding the storm..
Some of the dead the creatures pile for fornication..
Even dead they are chained up for their desicration..

I picture this slaughtered woman's face..eyes moving fast..
Gurgling on blood and death the creature ties her at last..
Blood beginning to drip down from her eyes..
Everytime she attempts..the blood chokes out her cries..
I smile and watch her suffer as the creature moves quickly
Processes of rape proceed swiftly....

I observe as the creature near literally fucks her towards death..
Slowly pulling her arms in opposite directions..blood choking her breath..
Ligaments within slowly tear as muscles stretch out...
Skin stretching at the joints as the creature pulls about..
The flesh stretches more..discoloring red as it thins
Slowly the paling flesh tears blood squirting like sins..

The woman cries her dying breath as the blood shoots out..
The creature finishes her by beating her to death..
With her own arms cascading her skull...
As it fucks her continiously and all..
I turn away..glancing at the other monsters flinging..
Frail bodies of children, women and men to the ceiling..
Then against the wall..bloodsplatters growing more..
I smile calmly as I walk to a door..
Opening it quickly a close loving familly inside..
A dark stone room ..chained up cloths thrown aside..
A mother a father and three children are there...
Ready to slaughter and scream ..hands are bare..

Negotiation release..creating false hope..
In their blind spots I make a rope..
Pull the first child back in his chair..
Into the darkness and I grip his hair..

Leaving the rest tied up unable to see back among..
With beliefs i'm only healing their young..
But I sew the child's lips together so he cannot make a sound..
As I strangle him roughly his eyes growing round..
Then his eyes fade dull as his life slips away..
I go back to the familly..minus one on this day..