
"I'm done."
You can't be. We aren't even close to have finished our lives.
"I can't take the pain anymore."
What pain? I quit saying "I love you" and doing things to draw your love closer to surface. I tried to be just friends. I was just getting the hang of it.
"I'm sorry."
NO! Please! Don't. Don't do this.
"Like you said Broken promises are broken hearts..."
I'm not breaking the promise. Don't break it. PLEASE! I don't need another broken heart.
"... and you've shattered mine."
STOP! Just stop. Don't go any further. You don't mean any of this. This is all a dream. I'll wake up tomorrow and we'll be back to the way we were before. Please. I'm begging you. Please just let me wake up.
"I can't wait forever. Today is the day to say bye."
STOP IT! PLEASE! This isn't funny. Your hurting me. Don't say anything else please. Leave it at that. Let me wonder what comes next. Don't say it. If you say it, it becomes real.
"So bye. Bye forever I guess."
*Flat line.* You did it. You said what I dreaded. You've pulverized my heart into a red bloody powder. We were supposed to be best friends forever! We were never going to part. We were going to live life to the fullest together. We aren't supposed to be here.
I'm completely broken.
It echoes in my head for days.
"Bye. Bye. Bye. BYE!..." "Broken promises..." "Today is the day to say bye." "FOREVER"
It hurts so much. I don't think I'll make it through. It feels like the biggest heart attack.
It hurts to breathe, move blink.
But you said it. And all I can do is obey.
So bye.