Sad Story

Never thought it would go this far,
Six attempts to end my life,
And I'm only eighteen.

I try and get by,
But it's just so hard!
I'm not as strong as they think I am,
On the inside and outside I am scarred.

Unless you've felt depressed you won't understand,
The emptiness and loneliness you feel .
Like a black hole it surrounds you,
Blocking out light and happiness that tries to break through.

You shut out your friends because you think it will help,
But it makes things worse,
Until you see no other way out...

But look around you at your friends and family,
At what you will be leaving behind.
All those people will suffer worse than you,
That has kept me going for a long time now.

You are not alone out there,
Reach out for help when you want it the least,
Don't make my mistakes...