At the path

At the path

At the end of a road a path begins
In the end of the path a trail descends
In the end of the trail I am carried by wind
To the place in my heart where they will not offend.

In the depth of my heart
This dream is long sought
I traveled along when they fought.
When tears sty hiding
In the box that burns
I seek this heaven
In hopes never to return

At the end of the road
There comes a split
Two paths in my heart
I choose to sit
Wind is blowing my thoughts
In every which way
In the middle I sit
This is where I lay.

Which way do I go?
I find I am lost
I settle my thoughts
And lay stand fast.
Each path will lead
And meet at a trail
Until stopped at the trees
Where the wind prevails.

There I will fly
And land in that place
Where i drift through the clouds
With a smile on my face
To the heaven
Where I am free
No one can come
Come and find me.