I Cry In the Dark

When you see me you probably think
I'm just just another smiley face
With pretty hair and the clothes and shoes to match
You think I have everything I need and want
You think I've just got it all together
That I'm just livin' life in the fast lane

...........Think again..................

I cry in the dark where no one can see
So no one can look at what I go through
So no one can see my pain
Basically me just down to
a catatonic mental state, I think of all the lies
the deceit
the cover-ups
they think I don't know but I really do

But since they don't want me to
I don't
I just keep on going
as if I don't know a thing
The clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry
They're just there to help forget
But I know what really goes on
So I pretend
Pretend that everything's okay
Pretend that everything's alright
Pretend that it doesn't hurt
Pretend that I'll never cry
That is until the lights go out for the night

I cry in the dark so no one can see
So no one can know
and have to learn why
Why do I cry?
You'll never know
But you'll always see me happy
Because darkness is my friend
It knows my secrets
It sees the pain
It sees the hurt
It knows what i go through
Because darkness hides my pain
That's why
and the only reason why
I Cry in the Dark