Love Today, Fight Tomorrow

Hear the night calling,
See the passion of our love glowing,
Tension rise from our bodies as they crash into each other,
In between the sheets of the bed,
Our words whisper easily, deeply in the way we both yearn.

Sex is not love, but how the mind, the soul, the body connects together,
When it's truly what your looking for,
Show me the way you dance in the moonlight naked,
And I'll show you mine,
The lights out as our hands touch,
Captured by your alive eyes,
As you take me there between your legs.

My heart races as you move closer,
You've turn me inside out,
I want you,
I need you to show me how to love,
Our tongues hold a message between both,
And only we know what they are.

The music of our breath is all we need,
Licking your wet touch,
Nipping at your heated nipples,
Craving the way you kill me,
Please just don't stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
For the love of my life who broke up with me AFTER I wrote this poem.