Fighting Scars

I know we never get to see each other,
But it's like I'm there with you anyway,
God, I want to hear your voice,
I know you don't know how to trust,
But, I'm on your side,
I never back stabbed you.

Your my best friend,
Always will be,
I have so much more to say,
Don't know where to start,
Your like a breath of fresh air,
All of our friends may want to tear us apart,
But we still love each other,
Isn't that the way it's meant to be?

Only you broke that promise on letting them get in the way,
I understand and I'm not angry,
But it just hurts me when I have to say,
I told you so that you'd break up with because others don't like us being together.

As I fight the battle that is to come,
After you left me,
I wonder if your crying as well,
I wonder if tonight you might be as hurt as me.

A part of me, makes me think,
You didn't want to break up,
The words of another just convinced you too.

Well, I can't change your mind,
This crush you keep telling me it is,
Will never go away,
We might be friends but it will always be more.

I can't make you come back to me,
All I can say is that I love you,
And hopefully these words might reach you deep down inside.

Shelby, your the best and I'll never forget you,
Your the best thing that happened to me,
Forgive me for saying this,
But I'll wait for you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you Shelby, please read this and see if you still feel the way you do about our break up.