Immortality Play

Precocious child lay down your head
With the air around you stolid
Arrogant child resting in bed
Pillows piled up around his head

Unspoken are the shadows on the wall.
Unspoken are the whispers in the night,
The ones you hear but don’t recall,
The most meaningless,
Most precious thing you had ever heard

Tedious are the people we call dull
Genius is the name of those despised,
For calling you out of disillusion,
Tempting you into fatality
The moral derangement of life.

Stolid are the notions of grandeur
Perhaps the grandest illusion of all.
Tempt me into lunacy,
Where I’m aloud to believe in the impossible.
In immortality.

Dizzy my brain with discontent,
Where reality is merely a fairytale,
Whispered by invisible Mothers kind enough,
To lie to my heart with a smile.

Tantalize my conscious till it lay vulgar,
With a stench thick enough to shadow,
The bedroom walls of arrogant children,
Where it is safe,
Where it is sound,
Where it is Immortal.