
I have always heard that the truth hurts
But I never believed it till now
My parents have been acting
weird for the past week
My mom randomly crying

But today
My mom just took my sister
My older brother
And me into her bedroom

"I have something to tell you
Its about your brother,"
She said.
He recently had brain surgery
To get a brain tumor out

"The results of his tumor kind
Have come in"
At this point she is in tears
"Guys, your brother
Has cancer"

She starts crying freely
I look at my sister and start to see the tears
But how? I wonder
They were so sure that it wasn't
How could this happen to our family?

My older brother ask, "How long?"
"How long what?" answers my dad.
"How long have you known?"

He looks at my dad, his face as hard as stone.
"A little over a week."
No, I think
This can't be happening
This can't be the truth

But the reality of it is
The truth hurts

More than you know