Tell Me A Lie

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me a story
Tell me a secret
Tell me something no else knows about you

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me what you tell her
Tell me what you told the girl after her
Tell me you're honest

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me those sweet lies
Tell me something that makes my heart sore
Tell me you care

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me the lies you say one after another
Tell me how many girls you've hurt with your sweet words
Tell me I make your heart beat like crazy

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me how I'm your baby
Tell me how I'm your love
Tell me no one can compare to me

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me you've always been sweet
Tell me you've always taken care of the girls you were with
Tell me I'm something special

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me how I'm your world
Tell me you fell for me
Tell me how you hate games people play

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me how everyone believes you
Tell me specifically what sex has believed you
Tell me you're a virgin

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me the blood you've stained your hands in
Tell me the tears you've shed
Tell me why no one was worth losing yourself too

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me you have a razor
Tell me you have a gun
Tell me how much sympathy you get with your lies

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me you dance
Tell me you play guitar
Tell me you write poetry

Tell me a Lie
Tell me a poem
Tell me why you wrote that
Tell me why you think I believe every word you say

Tell me a Lie
Tell me how cool you feel
Tell me how much of a player your are
Tell me how much ass you've gotten

Tell Me a Lie
Tell me a Lie
Tell me a Lie
Tell me a Lie

Now tell me, out of all the lies you've spoken
Tell me, which lie wasn't a lie?
Now tell me, which words were true and which weren't
Now tell me, which ones are lies...

Now tell me, are you real?
Now tell me, can you even tell between what lie is not a lie, and what lie is a lie?
Now tell me, do you remember all your lies?
Now tell me, have you gotten your heart broken before

Now tell me, do you seek revenge?
Now tell me if this is so
Now tell me how you did it
Now tell me how it feels to be the dumper and not the dumped

Now tell me, was it worth it?
Now tell me....
Was it worth losing the love of your life?
I sure hope so.
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I've never been good with poetry.
Every poem I write I never seem to keep.
But the few that I do keep, I post sometimes.
I was inspired to write this when a boy started hiting on me, his tricks might of worked three years ago. To bad he didn't know me three years ago. lol