Late at night

Late at night i'd stay up and pray,
that you would remember my name.

Late at night i'd stay up and pray,
that you would relize how perfect,
together, we'd be.

Late at night i'd stay up and pray,
that you would tell me you were mine.

And when it happened you couldn't imagine
how happy i'd been.

But you've ruined it,
you played me for a fool.

Late at night I stay up and pray,
that i'll forget your name.

Late at night I stay up and pray,
that i'll forget how perfect,
we were together.

Late at night I stay up and pray,
that my mind is my own,
and i will get over you.

My prayers are almost answered,
but i don't think i'll ever forget,
how awsome we could have been.

But i'll get over you,
and live my life to the fullest.

Finding my perfect someone will take time,
but it doesn't matter,
with getting over you im one step closer.

Late at night I stay up and pray,
that i'll find redemtion,
and live anew.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh... Im so depressing lately! Lol. Whatcha think?