Lets Get ***ed Up...

A glass on the bar,
Clear liquid inside,
A buzz in my head,
Your voice in my ears.


As I throw my glass back.
Your voice grows louder.
I know I should stop,
But I keep pouring faster.

I know that I'll pay when you come home
But just for now
I feel like I can cope

I know I should leave you
Say my goodbyes
But for the sake of our son
I stay and hide

So lets stop pretending
You and I
There's no love here.
Just heat between the sheets and a beautiful baby boy.

So when all's said and done
You’re out in a bar, and our son is in bed
I'll get fucked up,
'Cos life looks better before I sober up
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm back... sort of. :-)