Empty Nights

I realize I couldn't expect you to love me forever,
But one can't help but to dream.
Now my nights are empty
Or so that's how they seem.
I gave you my heart
and you spit it back at me.
You left me a bloody mess
Here in my pool of misery.
I knew by the way you talked
That something was wrong.
But I kept my chin up
and forced myself to be strong.
Little did I know,
That my intuition was right.
Maybe if I would have listened,
I wouldn't be up so late tonight.
But I was tricked;
Played and fooled.
You used me to pass the time.
I was nothing, but a tool.
Now thanks to you-
I'm better prepared.
For what; I'm not sure
and that's why I'm still scared.
Soon I should be alright,
But only in a forgotten fairy tale dream..
And for now my nights are empty
Or so that's how they seem...