Fallen Angel 2

Through the gates of hell he walks,
demons and sins biting at his broken wings.
His bare feet burning on the fired rocks,
his ants and legs chained by heated rings.

The vile smell of sulfur and blackened skin fill his nose,
as the fiery pits rage around him in a violent pose.
Scarlet blood trickles down his back mixed with blackened ash,
recieved by a punishing gash.

A fallen angel wanting revenge,
he offers himself to a new god once again.
"what can one such as you offer one like me?"
his new god ask for his fee.

The couplings containing his limbs fall off as he brings out his fee
and is pushed to a serving pose.
As he holds up his hands with the golden key,
his god stands up revealing his wicked clothes.

And with the worst betrayal of all,
the war of the gods begins.
No more will there be a fiery or golden hall,
as the bloody war left only the remains.