"darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good" HoN

The darkness is amazing in my tear filled eyes
No one can see me hurt
They will never see me cry
Because the dark is on my side.
It hides my emotions
My heart
My scars
My new marks
It allows me to take off my mask and be myself
No one will ever know it’s me either
It lets me kick and scream
Cry and slice
It comforts my anger
My past and present
My sadness and despair
It cradles me in it’s gentle and dark arms
It’s nothing like the light
The light burns me
It pulls my mask off my face
It pushes me to reveal the real me
In front of everyone
So they can watch
And laugh
And whisper to each other
The light kills the inner me
While the darkness tends to my wounds