Our Solem Vow

We walked side by side.
Never letting each other fall,
or be left behind.
United stronger than any family,
even without blood ties.
With arms interlocked,
we played 'Red Rover' against the world.
With heads held high together,
we walked stronger and unmoved by any.
Our Solemn Vow,
never left my mind;
"Together we will be,
holding on to that goldne hope.
Not one will be left to fall,
because if we lose one,
we lose all."
Signed in pin drop blood,
never to fade out of sight.
Until on faltered and fell,
leaving the chain weakened.
I watched slowly as you all faded,
into nothing but memories,
and empty tombstones.
I felt some turn cold in my arms,
as I saw others with eyes closed,
and a single rose in their hand.
That vow fell apart with each falling friend.
Now walking independently
on a solitary path,
I hold the vow close to heart still.
I will walk forward,
with your blood on my hands,
and your souls with mine.
I will never fall,
and never let myself fade.
I will live my lfe to the fullest.
I will live my life,
to save all those I have lost.