In Remembrance

In the dark and in the cold
While I was young and growing old
While I shiver, while I shake
I felt my heart begin to quake

Every step and every sigh
Every breath that made me high
Every inch and every mile
I’d walk the path within denial

Every bite the winter gave
Every stone seemed mark my grave
As I passed along the road
My soul the winter’s snow corrode

I’d felt the wind lash at my skin
The whispers all confessed my sin
Lest I forget what you have done
I’d mark it on my dying sun

Let the snow caress my eyes
Allow Jack Frost to tell me lies
Wish for warmth I dare not hold
For it would bring rebirth of old

Every beat my heart would steal
Would forsake my hope to heal
So outside I’d wander dead
Until I finally found my head

I dare not sleep until sunrise
To see the day I would despise
For I was weak and I was frail
Left in the dark til I grew pale

And when the life had left my eyes
The sun awoke and bid me rise
A ray of hope there still may be
For poor old death defying me

For here lies the end of your winter curse
Here lies the end of winters worse
Let I live through summer’s lights
Then die again come winter’s nights