Promises Of Infiniti

What have they done to you?
You used to be so young,
But now you're just tired,
I remember the times we had,
Before I left, your world,
You were happy and bright,
So where is your light?

I'm sorry I left you,
Sorry for that broken promise,
But I hope you still know I love you,
Here, as I whisper to you in your dreams,
Teaching you nothing is what it seems,
I am watching over you,
I'm always protecting you,

I can't see any scars, but they're there,
From those people who don't care,
But I still do, and I always will, watching over you,
And I hear your pleas and your prayers,
And I cry every night, wishing I was there,
I want to save you, I want to heal you,
I'm trying to give you something new,

And as the rain falls,
I still see you, sitting there,
As I sit next to you, stroking your hair,
But you can't feel my touch anymore,
Nothing is what it was before,
You think you're all alone in this war,
But I'm always next you, fighting with you,
And I can see your heart, achy and sore,
Except everything I do is not enough to restore,

I'll still do anything for you, don't forget,
I'm the one fighting off your fear and regret,
I'll send the wind when you're hot,
I'll whisper to you when you have nightmares,
And I'll always be there, when no one seems to care,
But you have to remember me, and I know you still do,
Stuck in the past, refusing to let go,
But hold on tight, and soon everything will be bright,

People don't stop to see what they do,
Instead they just make the pain deep,
All you can do now is sleep, just sleep,
Sleep on forver and you can be with me,
I'm in your dreams, and I will never leave,
We're bound together, a vow beyond compare,
And you know the answer when you ask, "Are you there?"

I may have left you in a hurry,
But I'm here to whisper, "Don't worry,"
I wish I never did what's in the past,
I hurt you so much by thinking too fast,
And I'd take everything back,
All the pain and suffering, just to be with you,
Because now I know nothing good came from this,
And you are the one of many things I miss,

But look up, and keep going,
And you'll see me, glowing,
So carry on when the sun dies,
And I'll make sure it'll rise,
I am always with you,
Please, never forget,
So march on, my fighter,
And I promise things will get brighter.