
I remember, when
I was first coming into this complex thing
people like to call love
I would cry for hours over the one who broke me
listen to sad music, wishing nothing but
For him to come back
Wanting nothing but
To be back with him again.

Now these days I can watch the loves walk away,
Feel that familiar break inside me,
But shake my head and think,
"He wasn't for me anyways."
And though it's okay to feel safe and numb,
I sometimes wish
I could feel that fragility
And not be so immune to the emotion
This lack of feeling
Is causing so much to be

Does not the world...
What it's like
To no longer cry
Or no longer care
To let love just walk away
And not have the strength enough
To chase after it?

To chase after
That one thing
That's supposed
To make this world
Go around.