Goodbye crutch

Its so intense I can feel my shoulders slump and my heart get heavy,
I never thought id see u go,
When I look back u were always there.
I watch ur car fade into the distance,
I shouldve seen this coming maybe I was just,
Maybe I was just BLINDED.
Tears cloud my vision as u fade from view,
Ive known u forever,
But I never thought goodbye would be so hard.
U were my shoulder to cry on,
My crutch to hold me up,
U were always there to catch me when id fall.
So goodbye crutch,
Maybe this time ill be able to catch myself,
Maybe this time ill survive a simple fall.
I wont be that little girl u knew dancing around the room,
I know back then I never stopped singing,
Ive learned control.
I hope ull be okay without me,
I know u will,
U probably dont even care but I love u.
Be safe fly on,
I dont need u to catch me,
Ill be safe this time around.