Love Hurts

You said you would be there
Never to leave me alone.
I guess you didn't care
since now you are far gone.

My hand waited for years
you promised to wipe my tears.
Your face now is like stone
a little harder and very cold

Your ghost still lingers here
the memory haunts me at night
I have become nothing but fear.
Sadness I can never fight.

I wish I was death.
maybe then the pain would stop
My chest hurts with every breath
Oh, thats what they call sob.

I've forgotten about sympathy
all I know now is jealousy.
so much feelings I hold inside
I don't think I will ever smile.

Be careful my love in the road
there are people who are mean
with heart as black as coal
things that you have not see.

Remember me when your gone
All of your childish fears
Think of what we now become
No reason why to hide the tears.

Recall the way I loved you
Keep my wounds in your mind
Do they make you feel blue?
I bet they make you feel fine.

Enjoy all of my pain.
Laugh at my contorting face
Kill me softly, make me insane.
My love you will alway chase.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt very sad when I wrote it.