Forbidden Love

I can’t like him
I’m forbidden to love him
He’s not mine
He is hers
She is his
I am mine
But I love him
And I can’t stop
He gives me my high
Nothing else exists when it’s him and I.
She doesn’t deserve him
And he second guesses breaking it off
He knows he’s wasting his time
He knows he deserves more
So why can’t I be what he deserves?
Why can’t I be the one he calls baby?
Why am I not the one he kisses?
Or the one he holds tight?
Because I can’t like him
Forbidden to love him
He is hers
She is his
I am mine
So today I will stop.
I can’t wait forever, I have to move on
If I move on, my feelings will go away
They have to.
“So you’re really over him?”
Outside I say “Yes,
I can’t waste any more time”
But the inside of me knows
He’s all that goes through my mind
GOD! Why can’t I be over him?
I’m not supposed to like him
I’m forbidden to love him
He’s not mine and never will be
He is hers
She is his
And I unfortunately am mine.