Invisible Girl

Invisible girl
Sits up in front
With a fake smile
But no one sees her
No one cares

Untouchable girl
Walks through the halls
With a fake smile
Ignoring the rumors
That people spread

Lonely girl
Sits all alone
With a fake smile
Eating her lunch
Under a tree

Intelligent girl
Receives the best grades
With a fake smile
And gets summer scholarships
To famous universities

Innocent girl
Sits in the park
With a fake smile
Ignoring the whistles
Those boys direct at her

Surprising girl
Runs around the track
With a fake smile
Passing everyone else
Shock on their faces

Shy girl
Sings on the stage
With a fake smile
And scores the lead
In the play

Broken girl
Goes through the day
With a fake smile
Trying to mend herself
With no avail

Fighting girl
Hold up her fists
With no smile
And knocks her opponent
Out cold

Invisible girl
Gets noticed for once
With a real smile
And realizes she’s not invisible
Any more