This Is My True Love

The tone of your voice
Is the rhythm of my heart beat.
Your flawless face is so perfect
And it makes me happy.

Despite the times I've hurt you and caused you pain,
You're still with me, and you don't hate.
You're amazing and sweet.
I'm happy that you didn't leave.

When you're angry, it makes me sad.
I want you to be forever happy.
Your happiness and joy make me glad.

The light of your heart saved me from death
You are an angel that God himself sent.
The light doesn't shine in you
Because you are the light.
You wipe away my tears
When nothing seems to be going right.

Happiness didn't exist in my life
For a long period of time.
Then on Christmas night, you were the happiness
That saved me from the pain in my heart and the tears in my eyes.

You aren't aware of what you're capable of.
You belittle yourself. You're blinded by your own negativity.
If you looked in the mirror,
You'd see the breathtaking things
That give you your true beauty.