Dear Future Daughter

Saturday June 5th, 2010
Dear Future Daughter,

I might not meet you for a while, but I want to let you know a few things. I promise I will love you with all of my heart, no matter what and your smile will be the upside of my day. I don't need you to be perfect, although you will be perfect in my eyes. I hope you have eyes and hair just like your daddy, but have my personality. I will cover you in kisses, no matter how embarrassing it may be. When I do meet you, I will be able to tell you that you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen.

I hope for you to have an older brother to protect you when I can't. I hope for you have an older sister that you can go to for advice when I am not around. I want to teach you everything I know, and prepare you for the real world. I want you to understand life but still believe in fairy tales. I want you to dream and set goals for your life. Then when you get the chance, achieve those dreams and goals.

We'll play dress up in all of our clothes and do our hair as if we were movie stars. I'll sing to you and teach you all of my favorite songs. We'll play in the sprinklers all day, as if we have nothing else to do. I'll take you to church, so you can get to know God. We'll race down our drive way and I will let you win each and every time. I'll take you to the park and push you on the swing. We'll laugh like there's no tomorrow, just because we can. I'll make you the world's largest chocolate ice cream sundae, because I know it's your favorite. We'll go to the movies every time a new one comes out. I'll play hide-and-go-seek with you whenever you want. We'll bake home-made cookies, and secretly eat them before dinner. Just as long as you are having fun.

On Mothers day, I don't want a fancy gift. I will be just as happy with a home-made card that you took so much time on. If you smile and say "I love you Mommy" I will be the happiest woman in the world. I know that sometimes we will fight and might not get along, but I can assure you it won't last for long because I could never stay mad at you. You will never be forgiven because there is nothing to forgive.

When your learning to walk I will be right by your side, ready to catch you incase you fall. When you say your first words I will tell the whole world. On your first day of school, if you are scared and want me to stay with you then I will walk with you to every class and hold your hand the entire time. When you get your first report card, I will tape it to the fridge for everyone to see. I will pack your lunch everyday with all of your favorite foods. If you find somebody you don't get along with and start to fight I will tell you that violence is not the answer, and give you all the advice I can. When you go on your first date, I will worry the entire time. But I will know that I can trust you because I raised you to know right from wrong.

I'll make sure to hold you when you cry, whether it's from a scrape on your knee from riding a bike for the first time or getting your heart broken by your first boyfriend. When you need someone to talk to, I will be there listening. I will always protect you when you're scared and risk my life to make sure you're safe. I will congratulate you on each and every achievement you make. I will make sure you know you are loved, forever and always.

I'm sorry to tell you that when you get married, I won't hesitate to intimidate your fiancé but when I know he won't break your heart I will treat him as if he were my own. If something is to happen to your father, I will walk you down the aisle. When you have your kids I will be the proudest mother/grandmother in the whole entire world, because I caused all of you to be here. I want to spoil my grandchildren like I plan to spoil you. I will give you anything and everything in the world.

I'll always be your best friend forever and stick by your side no matter what and when I die, I don't want you to hurt. I want you to smile because you remember all the times we have shared. I want you to do all of the things with your children that I have done with you and more. I want you to remember that I will be waiting for you on the other side with open arms, ready for you to share with me your new memories.

You're Future Mother.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Just so you know, I am not pregnat. Haha, this was just something I felt like writing.)
This was inspired by Essy450 's origional version called "Dear Future Husband." Her version is entirely more amazing than mine and I highly recommend that you read it along with her other work that is absolutely incredible!
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