
I'm sinking
Farther then ever before
I see the surface fade as i reach out
I need help
Can you pull me out of the water
You try but its to late
I feel it
The burning in my chest
I know if i breathe in ill choke
But if i stay put ill die also
Double edged sword
Taking my chances i breathe in
Water enters
The burning worsens
Im crying yet there are no tears
I sink
to the bottom of the ocean
but for some reason im still alive
I want to die
Please take my life
Mystical Being
your in charge
I see a blinding light
Its you again
This time you manage to reach me
But its already to late
You pull me out of this beautiful place
Its serene in the sense that its calm
Bright florescent
I want to stay
Let me die
You cant
You feed off my depression
Cant you see
I don't love you
Again im thinking
Let me die
You pull me out
Now im in the bathroom
Inside the tub
Your screaming my name
Wake up?
I think
This is the happiest ive ever been
I awake in a ER
I cant move
I look frantically around
No ones there
"hello" i choke out
I get up
Legs wobbly
I can barely stand
I grab a wheelchair
And roll through the hall
No ones around
Its my life
Everyone always gone
I hear crying screaming
It sounds so familiar
I roll to the sound of it its you
and the doctor
"I'm sorry, she didn't make it"
you cry more
he leaves
I sit next to you
I finally realize
How much you loved me
I'm a ghost
Not alive
Not fully dead
Just in between
What is my purpose?
What do I do now
Years pass
I follow you
You remarry
Have a kid
Grow old
Die of cancer
I tried crying
Nothing came out
Ghosts cant cry
You died happy
I died sad
I'm sorry I took those pills
I'm sorry i didn't see how much i meant to you
Its cold
I'm scared
I see everyone die
All my friends, family
Do you know how that feels
Even my heroes are gone
The silly bands i liked when i was young
But their music lives on
The light shines
A voice calls
I awaken
Your there crying holding me
Was it a dream
I look around
Everyone's there
I hold onto you
You tell me how much you love me
I love you to
I stay in the ER until im better
They told me that i slipped in the tub and cracked my head on the tub
The floor was always slippery
I get old with you
We have 2 kids
Zach and Kailey
The best kids ever
I die
Age 65
You cry again
You die
Age 67
Our kids die
Were all together again
I love you
You Love me
Thanks for caring for me
My Mystical Being
♠ ♠ ♠
So idk about my mystic being