When Will They Come?

Mother Why do they go there when we have just as many needs!
Their own country cries in hunger but they go away some place other.
To make their peace which crumples to dust!
Their country cries!
When will they come?
For us all to live a happier life..
When will they understand
That we need someone too!
They go to other countries to improve in their war materials?
When will they see?
And come home to help instead of losing lifes over simple wants but no needs?
Can they come back?
Will they?
When will they see that we need their care and love and peace!
When will they come for me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi I'm just trying to say you know how our Country (America) goes to these other countries to feed them and stop there hunger? I'm not saying it's not good or anything, but don't they have a country? I mean we have something called HOBOES (no offense) and they aren't really helping with that problem. Matter of a Fact they help other countries more than they help there own, that doesn't even sound right. I thought America was suppose to be family?
Another thing, the only reason they do help the other countries with hunger problems and things is because they want to improve their war materials. That is so Sick. They would do that to their country just to get war weapons!