"Mental Abyss"

Stepping through the hollow mirror,

Seeing what is meant to be.

Searching 'til you can no longer see.

For the earth to shatter.

Your loved ones do not matter.

Take me within.

Show me the light.

Save me with all your might.

The wooden floors rotate.

Your scent still lingers.

Let my blood run down your fingers.

As I shake uncontrollably,

You stare with with a lost daze.

Hoping and Wishing that I die.

Slit my throat,

Beat me to the ground,

And tell me if my life is really worth living.

Death will unite with me.

As it has with my sisters and my brothers.

Bury me alive in the abyss.

I will be awaiting your arrival,

Where I rest in these shadows..

Am I alive or am I just breathing?