Today I’ve realized one thing in my life,
Probably true meaning of living life….

Life is not about achieving goals,
nor about making it into busy rolls…
It’s not about to worry about things,
nor about to fly with the wings…

Nobody knows how and when his life would be changed,
As a single incident can cause a drastic change…

I used to think about making my future bright,
Without knowing my direction was wrong or right…

Now I have a zeal to know the “Art of Living”..
So that my life could also have a true meaning…

Life is about achieving self mastery,
so that you could not hurt anyone,
nor you be hurt by anyone….

Life is about keeping relationships,
which give you strength while crossing hardships…

Life is to love Nature,
So in other sense, appreciating its Creator…

Life is to live happily,
And speading your happiness heartily…

Life is to learn from the mistakes….
which are none other than the lessons we should take…

Life is in doing what your heart says to do,
Without caring of the consequence which it will take you through…