Someone New

Everyday, when I talk to you,
You could say "Boyfriend," and I would say "Who?"
You make me forget
The one I worked so hard to get.
I tell him you don't matter,
And his heart I will not shatter.
It's a story he does buy.
Sadly, it is all a lie.

I don't know what to do,
How to tell him I want you, too.
I don't want to make him mad,
But not telling him is even more bad.
I don't like to be mean,
A fact that is rarely seen.
He makes me happy like never before,
But it's from you that I want more.

You actually talk to me
Something of which my current relationship is free.
"Your beautiful," is said
As my cheeks turn even more red.
I can trust you
When trust is something I give to few.
Now as I think about you
I begin to think, "What if I want someone new?"