
I am darkness

I am death

I am here to take your breath

Some fear me

Others welcome me

But in the end everyone sees me

I am cold and I am silent

But sometimes I can be violent

With just the slightest touch I could make you lose oh so much

I can taste your soul but that isn’t what I stole

Despite what you may interpret I’m most certainly not the culprit

I may end your life in the blink of an eye but it was not my choice to end it and that is no lie

I do what I have to do and slew who I had to slew

You see I hold no grudge against you

Their time was up they were out of luck

I smelt it I felt it

Their souls had gone sour

Then before you knew it, it was their final hour

I simply guided them home to where it was they belong

Then I listened to them sing their song

Whether the person be good or bad happy or sad

It was my job to end it

I wasn’t that bad