Unwritten Invective

I wonder if I’m really still alive
if my heart is still beating
I can’t feel it anymore
I don’t know if it’s working.

Just watch me die.
It’s happened before,
but either way,
you won’t care.

I’m just a tool, just your tool.
For you to use, whenever you please.
Pick you up, kick me down.
That’s all I’m ever used for.

Do you get it now?
Do you fully understand?
I can’t live like this anymore.
But I can’t seem to live without you.

Take this knife, take this gun.
Take these pills, take this booze, take it all.
Run away with it all tonight.
If you want to keep me alive.

Don’t break my mirror, just steal it tonight.
I’m already broken, inside and out.
Take it, really I won’t care.
It’ll keep me alive one more night.

Seven years of bad luck.
Already been through it twice so far.
Just a few shards of glass,
all to make it come to life.

Speak the truth, don’t lie again,
I really want to know,
would you die for me?
Because I would die for you.

Sometimes I wonder,
why I’m still here,
I should’ve left the earth
a long time ago.

Start digging my grave, you’ll need it soon,
I’ll just be another body left unknown,
a name lost in the crowd,
a voice never to be heard again.

Not that anyone will care.
Not that anyone will know.
Who I was, or who I am.
No one ever wanted me alive.

You want me to die.
You’re just like the rest.
Push me around, kick me down.
I won’t stand up in the end.