Dark Forest

Let me hear your voice one last time
let me listen to your crying one last time
let me listen to your begs one last time.

I never thought I missed them.
I never thought I would miss them.
A dark forest is now seen
I never thought I would see it this soon.

Crying and Screaming.
Begging and Pleading.
Never thought I would miss them,
Never thought I would miss that noise.

A laughing corpse you are.
A silent corpse am I.
Gliding through the empty forest all alone.
All alone.

The screaming .
The crying.
The begging.
Can’t get it out of my head.

One day, you said I would be the one.
One day, you told me I would live my dreams.
It didn’t happen the way I thought.
It didn’t end the way I wanted it to.

A laughing corpse,
A silent corpse.
Unable to hear,
Unable to see,
Unable to live.

Let me out of here,
let me fly free,
just fly free.