She is my kinda girl

She is my kinda girl^-^

This girl is something unreal and so invigorating,
a gift from the heavens,
a savior from my hell,
a voice of an angel, a touch like ecstasy.

How when I'm upset she makes me smile,
when I am weak she is still strong,
when I am sick she is my help to recovery,
when I get lost she goes out and finds me.

How I met you is a mystery better left unsolved,
how at first sight was true love,
She is my kinda girl that I wanna wake up to,
the one I wanna spend my life with,
the one that my heart can't stand to be with out her.

She is my kinda girl I wanna take care of,
she is my kinda girl that my mother will love,
she is my kinda girl when i do something out of line she whoops my ass,
most of all she the kinda girl that I will never stop loving.
She is my perfect first sight true love.