Walking With A Pain In My Heel

Im losing my mind, losing it
I can feel it slipping, slipping!
"Youre writing a poem"

I clutch to the edge of the sink
My fingers slip down the drain
And this water slips over
Over the edge of this

I feel a pain in my heel
Just so they can laugh
My errors
My immaturity
My inappropriateness
My wrongness
My failures
My abnormalities
My "Cough, cough. Youre boring me"

A stinging cold
Blocks this moment out
Youre tears can break me
This trying drains me

So, I can talk to you?
So, I speak?
And who listens?

I believe-
Oh, who cares what I believe?
It's not correct anyway

One day, I'll scrape my hands against this road
You will smell these open wounds and come kick me down
So you can kick me while Im down

And I will beg of forgiveness
I will save myself in your eyes
The love will break me!

I will burn
But it will not ruin me, somehow
I will sit in the corner and burn
Once the walls blacken
Put the fire out

Fall, just fall
With all this never caring attitude

I accept this dying
And expect no more

In the sun I will bake
Until the flowers decide to keep me

I will come back to you
And lie in the ocean

Im coughing the water out