What I remember

Do you recall back when we were kids?
Best friends, told each other everything?
I do, I miss that
i havent seen you in a while
but I miss you alot
I thought the second we saw each other
we would go back just the way we were
Best friends.
But I was wrong...Very wrong
Because youve changed alot
since now and then
Your different
A new person
Something happened something distinctive
Your not what I remember
Your nothing like you used to be
You dont act like you used to
Your different
You use alot of profanity
&apparently stopped caring about your appearance
Your personality is like someone Ive never met
Sometimes when your in a really good mood
and the settings just right
I get a glimpse of who you used to be
and I smile(:
but then you ask me whats so funny
and its gone
because youve changed
your different
nothing like you used to be
and I dont think that person
the person I loved
is ever coming back
and that smashes my heart
You now smash my heart every time I see you...
because youve changed
your different
and your Nothing of what I remember </3 :(

By:Mackenzieee laney(: