Its all for you

When school starts
and Iou
obsess over my appearance
always having to look perfect.
Its for you
and when i take 3 hours to get ready in the morning
and make my mom late for work
and get a tardy slip for class
its all for you
when I present my project in class
and I stutter and rush
its because of you
I can feel your eyes
on me
I sense your presence
2 rows behind me
I know when your not at school
because I dont have anyone to impress
because its all for only you
When Im at my locker and talking to my friends
and play with my hair way too much
its because of you
I know your watching me
I pretend not to notice
but when you turn your head
Im looking at you
untill you turn to face me
and I act preoccupied

but Its all for you
The reason I wake up
The reason I have to look amazing for school?
The reason I "Like' certain things on facebook?
Because Im hoping youll see them and think of me.
its all for YOU. <3
Sooo maybe next time you and your girlfriend break up
You could...maybe...just kinda....not get back together with her?
and could....just... talk to me,and say a few words like
"Mackenzie, will you be my girlfriend?" or "Wanna go to birkdale this weekend?"
Whatever works.(: