The Zombies Ate My Homework

Can you hear that?
Yes, that.
Low groaning from behind the door.
Is that a dog scratching the wood?
There’s no dogs anywhere
around here.
What makes that sound?
Oh, teacher, you left your arm on my desk.
Do you want it back?
Oh, sorry miss, I didn’t realise this was a bad day.
Wow, and they say we don’t manners.
She just groaned at me.
Jeeze, she needs some coffee or something.
Miss, miss! Stop drooling on my work.
Oh, thanks, there you go again.
Yeah, I really wanted your other arm as well
honestly, I don’t have enough of my own.
Please, just take them back?
Yeah, I’m bored too, but I don’t go leaving my arms everywhere.
What is with the teachers today?
Hey! That was my work!
The teacher just ate my work!
Get off! That’s my arm!
Just because you left yours on my desk doesn’t mean you can take mine.
I swear, the teachers have gone crazy.