
The fire is burning, hot as can be
Spreading out far for all to see
Twisting, turning, gliding with ease
Burning this place to the ground

Shining, reflecting in our eyes
Hold us together, make us tell
“We’ll get out of this horrible hell”
It burns greater, larger than before

Consuming our hope, replacing with fear
Coming ever closer, we cannot be near!
“Come children, come, don’t be still!”
The fire, we know it needs to kill

It’s waiting for us to realize
The danger in its hypnotic spell
That can send us down to hell

But the flame, the brightest ember
It seems they’ll go on forever
It’s drawing us closer
Like the life it burned

Our ashes are its prize,
One well earned.
Now we are one with the ashes

The love we concealed
Burns like the embers,
Never to heal