That old familiar scene

He sits on the floor
Playing guitar
And his girlfriend is sitting on his bed
A friend of ours beside her drawing

And I'm in the chair
Next door his sister, the pretty one
Is lying on the couch with her boyfriend
I don't know if she loves him

He's strumming away on that guitar
The noise is attractive
My father never taught me to play
Though he said he would

I have no talents
I am worthless in this world
Unloved, unattractive
I don't know if she loves him
But they're together now

Sex is an odd thing
Love is an odd thing
Music is an odd thing
We live, we die

I bought a ciggarette today
I haven't smoked it yet
I will tonight, or maybe not

She fucked him, but does she love him?
She says she yes
I don't think she does.