
Creeping in the dark
Her heart trembles
As death whispers in her ear
Her fragile being starts to dissemble
She shakes from the absents of not knowing
She is petrified
She is mortified…
& Trying to escape the life she is trapped in
Where can she run?
Who can she trust?
She becomes desperate..
Searching for answers, she caves into lust.
Letting this inhuman world use her,
Bash her to bits…
& She crumbles into nothing.
She doesn’t belong here.
She is a misfit…
Nothing special to anyone.
Useless .
& unwanted.
She cries every tear in her body.
She bleeds every drop dry.
She screams in agony.
She has no one,
So she doesn’t waste her time saying goodbye.
That would be empty.

Clutching the blankets.
In haling her last breathe.
With a smile on her face,
Because she finally gave into death.