I dreamt I was a Butterfly

I dreamt I was a Butterfly,
high above the ground,
but when I felt like landing,
all I had to do,
was with a flap of my wings,
lower to the floor,
land on the sweetly scented flowers,
the gates and the moor.

Other Butterflies flew as high as possible,
away from the trembles of life,
but I could see the beautiful things,
the things that cause me no strife.

I flew as high as them at first,
I flew above the sea,
I flew above us all,
up into the sky,
beyond the clouds,
I couldn't see anything of below.

To them this was good,
they were flying,
they were free!
But to me,
I was running away,
and missing out on the glee.

A sweet and simple flower,
just a plain biegey-pink,
holds for me such beauty,
for me it shows a positive,
an up-side to life,
that's how I think.

It is only a little thing,
but it pleases so many poeple,
as friends and family,
who are there for us throughout,
even if they don't show it.

Animals and plants hold beauty too,
they show us what a simple thing in life can do,
one smile,
can make us feel top of the world,
one laugh with someone,
or at a book or film,
can cheer us up,
if only for a moment.

Why would these Butterflies want to escape,
a world where there is so much good?
If they all saw this,
would the good would outweigh the bad?

Why focus on the bad?
Why not try to help the down,
by focusing on the good.

Where would poor children in Ghana be,
if they didn't relish their lives?
Didn't focus on the good?

We wouldn't survive by how we think.
We'd already have died inside.

So I don't want to escape,
even if I can.

Because I can make a difference,
even with one small act.