*** You

This song was inspired by the way my parentes and brother treat me, and for all the other people who feel like people are questioning their sexuality, identity, or who they are as a human being
This is just my little Fuck You to all the people who think they can put someone down for who they are...

I'm not Broken
I'm getting Back Up
You won't keep me down
I know your tricks
I'm better then this
I broke my cage
My Trails Blazing
I'm Not Changing
This is who I am
You can't wish it away
Shooting stars burn out and fade
your too late
Deal With it
I'm Not crazing
I'm just saying
Your pathetic
so senthetic
Clean your mess
Cheep plastic
Your mealting
It's Fantastic
I Broke my cage
My Trails Blazing
I'm Not Changing
Don't tell me who I'm suppose to be
You don't even know me
I broke my cage
My Trails Blazing
I'm Not Changing