A Heart

Although a heart has been broken,
Shattered if I may,
A person can still breathe the air,
Live their life
As if the heart’s not there

Although a word can’t mean the same
A person will still ramble the same word
Even if their love will never speak to them again
They will ramble on,
Proclaiming their love to no end

Although all they want is to hold their love
A person will restrain their limbs
As to not give themselves away
So that their love won’t leave them alone
Like a boat left floating in bay

Although a love might be a friend
It can be a true and deep
And as innocent as can be
But it can hurt twice as much
And it is possible that no one else will see

Although one may love two
How can a person tell exactly which love is true?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sometimes, you fall in love with someone that you know you will always have feelings for.

You may think they come and go but in reality, they will always be there.

And I hate that.